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How to fall in love with yourself

I know it's only blog number two, but today's post is a bit deeper. That's what I want this blog to be, a mix of fun and fashion, whilst also talking about the tough stuff. So how do you love yourself? In today's society, it's so easy to compare to others. Go on Instagram and you'll instantly think "Her outfit is so much cuter than mine." "He's more successful than me." and so on. I have definitely had these thoughts before and have struggled with my own self-worth. I would get sad that jeans didn't look as good on me as others, I'd be scared if people would like my personality. I was insecure and morphed into what society wanted of me. Then, one day I woke up. I realized that cheesy as it is, there's only one me. I have started to practice positive self-talk and wearing what I want. I love who I am becoming. I am proud of how far I've come. If you are struggling with self-love, start slow. Start by catching yourself when you are talking negatively about yourself, be kind and embrace others uniqueness. Also, remember that there is only one amazing, awe-inspiring you. Stay true and stay amazing!

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