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All About Me

Hi Guys! So if you are reading this it means that I've conquered my fears and pressed publish on this blog. I know this seems like a petty fear, but I'm truly terrified! People on the internet like to tear people down, and as an insecure, anxiety ridden, young adult, I feel that this is a completely valid fear, So hi! Lets get into some basic facts.

I am a Sophomore, English Major at Saint Catherine University in the Twin Cities.

If you buy me an iced vanilla latte, or bring me a puppy, I will be your new best friend.

I'm a strong advocate for the Oxford comma.

Kindness and Authenticity are my two most important core values.

Taylor swift is a forever icon.

Jesus is pretty rad.

Okay! I hope you learned a little bit about me! New blog posts to come, I have so many fun ideas!



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